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    廣東瑞森化工有限公司成立于 2013 年 8 月,注冊資金 1000 萬元,公司自有的辦公物業位于廣州市天河區天河北核心商務區,是一家主營松香及其深加工產品的專業貿易公司。公司主要業務骨干均深耕松香行業,有著超過 20 年本行業的工作經驗及積累,公司經過六七年的持續發展,已形成了生產合作與內銷及進出口貿易相結合的綜合體系。在兩廣、云南、江西、福建等松香主產區均有深度合作的工廠,以保障各類優質松香及其深加工產品的供應。

    公司在多地均設有存貨合作倉庫。廣州黃埔新沙港有超過 5000 平方米的室內倉庫,長年備存有特壹級的 225 公斤桶裝和 25 公斤袋裝馬尾松、濕地松、云南思茅松、南亞松等品種的脂松香、深加工的樹脂產品、歧化松香、聚合松香,以及松香深加工生產的輔助原料甘油、富馬酸等產品。廣州新沙港位于珠三角地理中心,水陸運網密集,是珠江口規模最大的綜合性碼頭,從廣州新沙港出口海外及內銷發往北方港口均十分便捷。針對兩廣深加工用戶的不同需求,公司在廣東肇慶大旺金龍倉庫備存了中國松香以及多種進口自印尼、越南、巴西等國家的松香,提供精準的產品供給以及門對門的供貨服務。在江西的合作工廠內也備存著優質的特一級濕地松香,能隨時滿足附近片區的客戶需求。


    隨著中國的經濟發展,近年來我國的松香進口量越來越大,出口份額逐年減少,已由早年的松香出口大國逐漸轉變為現在的松香進口大國。公司順勢而為,積極拓展了松香的進口業務,同時深入了解客戶需求,積極調整銷售策略,國內銷售和出口貿易協調互補,齊頭并進,一年 365 天永不斷供,薄利多銷是我們銷售的宗旨。公司經營的松香及其深加工產品總量已連續三年超過 25000 噸,2021年在市場競爭激烈的情況下,公司經營的松香及松香樹脂總量突破了35000噸,成為了中國松香交易量最大的專業貿易公司之一。


    Guangdong Rich Forest Chemicals Ltd. was founded in August 2013 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Its own office property is located in the core business district of Tianhebei, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City. It is a professional trading company mainly engaged in rosin and its deep processing products. With more than 20 years of experience and accumulation in the industry, the company elites are deeply involved in the rosin business. After six years of continuous efforts and development, the company has formed diversified business model combining production cooperation with domestic transactions and import /export trade. It focus on extensive connection and deep cooperation with factories in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Jiangxi and other main production areas of rosin to ensure the supply of various highquality rosin and its deep processing products.

    According to the development strategy, the company has stocks in multiple warehouses. The company has inventory available in an indoor warehouse of more than 5,000 square meters at Guangzhou Xinsha port all year round. The inventory contains X/WW grade gum rosin from species of Pinus Massoniana, Pinus Elliottii, Pinus Kesiya/Yunnanensis,Pinus Merkusii, rosin derivatives, disproportionated rosin, polymerized rosin, as well as accessory materials such as glycerin and fumaric acid, etc. Xinsha Port is an integrated dock in Guangzhou port, located in the geographic center of the Pearl River Delta with dense water and land transportation network. It is very convenient to export from Xinsha Port to overseas ports and to domestic ports. Considering the different demands of consumers in Guangdong and Guangxi, the company has stocked Chinese gum rosin and a variety of products imported from Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil and other countries in the warehouse in Zhaoqing. It provides door-to-door services to domestic customers. In the cooperative factories in Jiangxi, high-quality X/WW grade gum rosin is also stored, which can always meet the needs of customers nearby. In order to ensure product quality, the company is equipped with a professional laboratory, which can promptly and quickly perform gas chromatographic analysis and routine tests of the samples of each batch.

    With China's economic development, demand for imported gum rosin has been growing steadily in recent years, while the export volumes has been decreasing year by year. It has gradually changed from a rosin exporting country in the early years to a current rosin importing country. The company followed the trend and actively expanded the import business of rosin. It aims at small profits and quick returns. The total amount of rosin and its deepprocessed products operated by the company has exceeded 25,000 tons for three consecutive years, and it is expected to reach about 30,000 tons in 2020.In 2021, under the circumstance of fierce market competition, the total amount of rosin and rosin derivatives operated by the company exceeded 35,000 tons, becoming one of the professional trading companies with the largest rosin trading volume in China.

    Adhering to the "Integrity, Professionalism, Efficiency" spirit of enterprise, the company well-known in the industry. It looks forward to the sincere cooperation with friends from home and abroad together to create wonderful future.
